Legal Warning
“Data Protection”
Identification data.
This legal notice includes the general conditions that govern access and use of the website owned by Alonso Aguilera Concha.
In compliance with the duty of information contained in article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, the following information is reflected below: The owner of this website is Alonso Aguilera Concha., with address at C/ Condesa Mencía 116, 6º B with NIE: ESY5373411G.
Use of the Website
The visit or access to this website is absolutely voluntary, attributing the condition of user to whoever accesses it. Taking into account your condition as a user, and by accessing this website, you are required to accept the Terms of Use that are in force at this address at all times, for which the User must read carefully and accept without any type of reservation this Legal Warning before carrying out any type of operation, viewing, use, etc. with this website. And make correct use of the Portal in accordance with Law 34/2002, of July 11, LSSICE.
Object and Links
Alonso Aguilera Concha., provides clear and free information to users about their professional activity in sports and recreational education and the services offered.
No links to other web pages are made on the Alonso Aguilera Concha website.
Regarding social networks, where users can be redirected and participate, they will be governed by their particular conditions. As well as by the privacy policy and internal regulations of the networks or web environments where they are developed and that the user, in any case, will declare to know and accept, from the moment they validate themselves or click on the link to said social networks. .
With the limits established in the Law, Alonso Aguilera Concha does not assume any responsibility derived from the lack of updating and precision of the data or information contained in its Internet pages.
Web intellectual property
All the intellectual property rights of the content of this Web page, its graphic design and its source codes, are the exclusive property of Alonso Aguilera Concha, corresponding to the exclusive exercise of the exploitation rights of the same, without it being understood that access to the Portal attributes no right over them.
Its reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation, in whole or in part, without the express authorization of Alonso Aguilera Concha is prohibited. Similarly, all trade names, trademarks or different signs of any kind contained in this web site are protected by law.
Use of the service and responsibilities
The conditions of access and use of this website are strictly governed by current legislation and by the principle of good faith, the user committing to make good use of the website and the services offered.
All acts that violate the law, rights or interests of third parties are prohibited.
Alonso Aguilera Concha declines all responsibility in the event that access or visits to its website are rendered impossible or difficult due to an interruption or defective provision of electricity, telephone or other telecommunications providers outside Alonso Aguilera Concha, or in the in the event of social conflicts or other cases of force major, or any action by a third party, including administrative or judicial requirements or orders, sabotage or saturation, intentional or not.
Likewise, any responsibility derived from the damages that the visitor could suffer in their computer or telematic means as a result of the production of any of the previously exposed circumstances is declined.
Updating and modification of the website
Alonso Aguilera Concha reserves the right to update, modify or delete the information contained in its web site, and its configuration or presentation, at any time, without prior notice, and without assuming any responsibility for it.
Jurisdiction and Applicable Law
This legal notice and general conditions are governed by Spanish law. The user accepts these Terms of Use, and any type of dispute related to the use of this website will be interpreted in accordance with the laws in force in the place of residence of the owner of this website, having jurisdiction to resolve any dispute or conflict that may arise in the competent Courts and Tribunals within the Spanish territorial scope, the user expressly renouncing any other jurisdiction.