
What is Ayurveda? Ayurveda means: the science of life. It really is the science that guides us and helps us to achieve a healthy and full life, followed by significant longevity. A relevant longevity is to get old feeling healthy, without ailments, enjoying your life normally and without relying on any external help. Can you…


The conscious control or regulation of one’s breath for purifying the body and cleansing the mind.  Pranayama enhances one’s ability to focus, meditate, and concentrate. As the vital force of energy (prana) required for one’s existence,the very purpose of Pranayama is attaining a pristine mind. – Patanjali Yogasutra, I.34 Pranayama practices are normally including in…

Birth, Breath & Death

When birth takes place, in the very first moment that we are out of the mother’s womb, we take a breath and inhale. Breathing equals living! This autonomycal function continues throughout our entire life. We keep breathing in and out, moment after moment until the day that many of us fear-  the day of our last…

Yin Yoga

Yin Yoga is a practice that is more passive, calm and relaxing. It forms the balancing counterpoint to our active yang yoga styles such as Ashtanga Yoga or Vinyasa Flow. In Yin Yoga, poses are held for a longer period of time while the muscles are relaxed. By this, we apply healthy stress to the…

Ashtanga Yoga

Ashtanga Yoga is a system of Yoga containing lists of many different groupings of asana, vinyasa, dristhi, bandhas, mudras, and philosophy. In this one hour Ashtanga Class we will be exploring the Primary Series, learning how to use all the elements of the practice and finding the result of being steady in one place. To…

Vinyasa Flow

Vinyasa is a practice of physical and spiritual development related to the father of Modern Yoga, Shri Tirumalai Krishnamacharya. The Sanskrit Term “Vinyasa” is compound of “Nyasa” To Place and “Vi” In A Special Way. It’s a systematic method also considered a “Moving Meditation”, and it is about harmony and balance, grace and fluidity. By…

One to One Mentoring

We want to dedicate this class to open up a space for all those practicioners that wants to develop a deeper understanding of the asana yoga practice. Even if you are a beginner in this path or an experienced practitioner or a teacher, this might be a place for you to resolve your questions and…